The below letter in red is from a 4th Grade Teacher. What preceded days prior in his classroom of 20+ students was the catalyst for starting KIDS INC.  As a performer and educator, I worked for a local nonprofit that provided education on sexual assault prevention for children through college. As teams we toured K-12 schools teaching kids and teens how to respond to  unwanted sexual advances and what to do about it.  The topics focused on "good-touch" -vs- "bad-touch" for younger students and date rape and incest for teens.  Tough topics!
During a session speaking to this 4th grade class, the topic was on "bad-touch" when all of a sudden, a little boy Jimmy, raised his hand and confided in the entire class by saying... "that happened to me". Then all of a sudden another hand went up, then another, and another and....Wow!  Let's just say I was not prepared for the large number of disclosures of potential sex abuse in one classroom.   After interviewing students with the teacher, we identified serious matters.
Below the teacher mentions Jimmy whose father was abusing him and Erica who was raped by her mother's boyfriend. 
Leaving the school emotions welled up and by time I drove home the tears dried and the decision to figure out a way to reach more youth to empower them was life's only mission.  As a performer, writer, director and producer I created the character "Mr. Safety" and pulled together a group of culturally diverse kids (some super talented, some just kind hearted) and together became  "Mr. Safety and the Safety Bratz".  - There was no social media. It was pre-wifi. The first pc's were just coming out. They toured the state, were  regularly seen on local TV and newspapers. They were very popular. After writing and producing the show, KIDS INC. was incorporated as a 501c(3) nonprofit educational  entertainment company to be the home for Safety Bratz, Educational projects, Communities of Talent, Hollywood Kids Talent Academy, Talent Showcases, and millions of Families seeking safer alternatives and exceptional experiences for their young ones.
As a 501c(3) nonprofit charitable organization, our emphasis remains on children's safety.  Now more than ever is a need for safe social alternatives and a long overdue need for online and cellphone safety education. Our first step is the launch of KIDSINC.ONE platform and apps then the modernization and reboot of "Safety Bratz LIVE!"(tm)  Featuring a new show, new songs and content with an amazingly talented all youth cast who together take safety to a whole new level.  We now we wifi and LiveStreaming!  We're going empower millions of youth! - Stay tuned!
Become a Hero! Donate, sponsor, volunteer. Together we can keep kids safe!

OUR MISSION: Create, Educate, Entertain, Inspire and Empower.

  • Why KIDS INC. started

    Our mission is to Create, Educate, Entertain, Inspire and Empower.

    KIDS INC. was started in 1990 as a nonprofit educational entertainment company to produce the founders vision and creation of a multi-cultural youth  performing arts group of everyday local youth to be role models to other kids throughout the community, and as side-kicks the main adult character portrayed by the founder.  Together they became the very popular group, Mr. Safety & the Safety Bratz(tm). Pre internet touring schools, fun centers, theme parks, shopping malls, showcasing at events and becoming featured entertainment for major city festivals and parades, consistently on television, in local newspapers and being called "Local Heroes" in a featured article in the National Parents Magazine.  Over 100 youth performed in the Safety Bratz(tm) group over a ten year span.  The point of the program was to empower children and teens with safety tips and most importantly to prevent sexual  abuse. 

    During the casting for Safety Bratz(tm) we saw over 1000 local talent audition and the lack of opportunities for parents to learn and be guided through the maze of the entertainment industry so we created the division Hollywood Kids Talent.

    Hollywood Kids Talent Management - took families to pilot season in LA

    Hollywood Kids Talent Studios - trained and showcased youth

    Hollywood Kids Talent Search (HKTalent Search) - showcased new talent online 

    The Hollywood Kids division is on hiatus indefinitely.

    KIDS INC. created and produced Colorado's largest and longest running Family Expo booking top celebrity youth from TV & Movies to attend and give out autographs. It was then our founder met the moms and  was eventually asked to be the Publicist for a child star on the #1 ABC/Disney TV show, Home Improvement.  Watching children grow up on TV is interesting but being there behind the scenes is priceless.

  • What KIDS INC. is doing now

    We've evolved into technology and see the need for children to learn internet safety and have safe apps and platforms.

    Our focus is now on launching and funding a new family friendly safe social platform and apps, kidsinc.ONE, designed for privacy without data collection, tracking or pornography.  Youth artists, athletes, creators and entertainers, now have a safe place to call home and offer parents peace of mind when they're ready to start using social apps.  Together we are a community of the worlds most talented youth, their parents, fans and those who support them. 

  • Are Donations Tax Deductible

    Guidestar Gold

    A monetary donation to KIDS INC.  qualifies as a charitable contribution and is considered tax-deductable. We encourage you to check with your own accountant as countries and jurisdictions may differ.  Receipts for donations are provided automatically when donating on one of the platforms. Direct donations are provided receipts on request for contributions over $100 USD.  Bank transfers receive a letter within 10 business days.

    KIDS INC. EIN # 84-1139356

  • Partnerships - Parents & Talent

    KIDS INC. would like to invite parents and talent to KIDSINC.ONE. We welcome you to our new community. You'll help shape the tone and energy of ONE.  Your advice and feedback will be listened to attentively.  Your content will usher in a new generation of young social media users creating a new fanbase that will look up to you and follow you for years to come.

    Contact us
  • Partnerships - Influencers & Creators

    Influence for Good! That's our motto. How about you?  Are you ready to really make a difference in the world? Got kids? Neices, nephews, grandchildren, little brothers and sisters, young cousins?

    Let's create a campaign to engage your audiences and move them into action!  

    Be a Hero!  Voice your support for CHILDREN'S SAFETY!

    Together we can make a difference!

    Let's fund ONE.

    Get in touch.

    Contact us
  • Partnerships - Educators & Organizations

    Educators and entertainers are the backbones of society.  Bring your skills and passons to KIDSINC.ONE and let's design a collaboration that targets the goals of educating youth with positive information and provide positive feedback.  The tools available will allow you to run virtual  workshops, charge for locked content, create and promote pages, go live, conference with others, and even sell merch!

    Get in touch:

    Contact us
  • Partnerships - Corporations & Philanthropists

    Sponsoring family entertainment is always a win/win.  Sponsoring educational entertainment and youth safety is knocking it out of ballpark!

    There are several very special sponsorship opportunities available.

    KIDS INC. is very select.

    Let's chat:

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