We apologize for poor adult behavior. We apologize for the adults that operate governments. We apologize for the adults that are in charge of major corporations. We apologize for adults in charge of the educational system. We apologize for adults in charge of the legal system. We apologize for adults in charge of the media. We apologize for adults in charge of the music and entertainment industries. We apologize for adults who choose to hurt others. We apologize for adults who turn their head at wrong-doing. We apologize for the anger and disharmony on the planet. We apologize for the pandemic. We apologize for social distancing. We apologize for the difficult times families experience due to the poor behavior of some adults. We apologize for inequality. We apologize to everyone. We must do better. We are eager for a new beginning. We are on a revised mission. We are here to be part of the solution because every life matters. KIDS INC.- Founder & President, a "Person of Color".
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