"We must do some things differently for new results"

At this critical time of human evolution [ through chaos ], the pandemic, systemic racial injustice and many movements and settlements pertaining to sexual discrimination and assault, - we find ourselves speechless....

One thing we agreed on is that things must change.  We brainstormed ways to stay true to the company mission and on how to have a significant [positive] impact on the world around us. We thought of different ways to be part of the solution.

We learned there is a steep decline in how many people have actually read the US Constitution, [ which outlines the rights of each citizen, for just being human ] and the importance of every US Citizen doing so, especially when so many distortions are becoming mainstream.   

To uphold human and civil rights, and have an equal and fair society for all, ultimately depends on a society cooperatively agreeing to that which is outlined in the US Constitution.

Change will only happen when people are educated and embrace a new mindset. 

Therefore, our team decided to educate society on their rights, - by publishing US Constitution. Available as a free download on this website and published as a digital magazine on several large platforms - with apps for android and iPhone in development.

email us:  admin@kidsinc.cc

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