UPDATE:  Due to the pandemic and government executive orders, civil rights and civil liberties are at an all time high of needing protection.  It's imperative society understand their civil rights and how to protect them.


George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 - May 25, 2020) was a black American man killed during an arrest in Minneapolis.  A white police officer, knelt on Floyd's neck for nearly eight minutes. After his death, protests against police violence toward black people quickly spread across the United States and internationally.. 



Unanimously we agree. The death of George Floyd was a since-less tragedy that should 
never have happened.  Racism, discrimination and inequality in American must end.

Racism and racially charged violence has ripped apart the fabric of our society. Angry protesters violently rioting to express disapproval over years of systemic racism against African-American's, is not the answer. 

Freedom of speech is Constitutional, but causing harm to persons and property is not.  This type of behavior is not a resolution. If anything, it exacerbates the problem.  It's a reduction in humanity.

Racism has been,... since the beginning of  civilization. America was built on the enslavement  and selling of humans, theft of land from Indians, and many inconceivable human rights violations. 

Luckily, a group of people came together and created an outline for its citizens.  It's the single most important document for an equal and fair society.  It's the United States Constitution.

The Constitution came into force in 1789. It's been amended 27 times, originally comprising seven articles.   It delineates the national frame of government.   It outlines the rights of every citizen, for just being human. 

For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers wisely separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule, minority rights, of liberty and equality, and of the federal and state governments.

On a fundamental level, one of the catalyst that perpetuates racism is a lack of knowledge as to each persons guaranteed Constitutional rights, - regardless of age, race, beliefs, occupation or income.

Data shows that fewer and fewer people have read the Constitution.  Over 57% of Americans polled have never read it!  37% could not even name a single right protected by the First Amendment.  More than half, (53%) incorrectly think it is accurate to say that immigrants who are here illegally do not have any rights under the U.S. Constitution.  Only one in four, (26%) could name all three branches of the government. [ 12% decrease from 2011, when 38% could name all three branches ] One in three (33%) couldn't name any   branch of government at all. None. Not even one.



If generations of citizens are not educated on the U.S. Constitution and its significance to everyday life, everyone is at risk of loosing Constitutional rights through acquiescence. (In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of his or her rights.)

If people don't read the Constitution, how can they even begin to know what their rights are?  How will they learn the process to protect and stand up for them peacefully?   How will they know when they have violated the rights of another?


According to the United States Senate:    "The Constitution's first three words WE THE PEOPLE   affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens".   Sounds good on paper but what's happening in practice?

Are we the people being served equally?

Let's take a look at a couple glaring issues we the people have.

Reported by AMNY, the US House of Representatives is comprised of 434 members (one vacancy). Of those serving, 332 are men and 102 are women.

Race: White: 326; Black: 52; Hispanic: 40; Asian: 12; Native American: 4

The US Senate is comprised of 100 members. 75 are men and 25 are women.

Race: White: 91; Black: 3; Hispanic: 4; Asian: 3

How can racial inequality ever be resolved when there is such a large disparity in ethnic diversity?


And that's not all. There's also economic inequality that's saddening.

Congress takes a Labor Day vacation while millions of Americans struggle financially.  Adding insult to injury, take a look at the inequality for stimulus relief.

U.S. Roman Catholic Church won at least $1.4 billion in coronavirus aid after lobbying congress.  Forbes reports Columbia University with an endowment of $11 billion receives and keeps $12.8 million in stimulus relief. Harvard with an endowment of $40 billion is given $9 million in stimulus aid. Stanford with an endowment of $27 billion received over $7 million in stimulus aid. Yale with an endowment of over $30 billion received $6.8 million in stimulus aid. And reported by the NY Post, over 43,000 millionaires received an average of $1.6 million through tax reduction loophole in the CARES act.


All while hundreds of thousands of smaller nonprofits received nothing. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses have closed and millions of American families are struggling financially. 


It would be a grave oversight to not also mention here, the overt coercion and threats, placed onto "we the people" to limit, restrict and remove funding for public school children unless schools reopened during a pandemic that's killing thousands of people daily.  - Has freedom already been eliminated?


The question now is, what can be done? 

How do "we the people" fix broken systems?  How do "we the people" assure everyone is treated fairly and equally?   How can "we the people" be part of a solution to end systemic racism, discrimination,  and learned prejudices? 

In our humble opinion, we believe it takes a new mind-set. One that encompasses a spirit of cooperation, awareness, compassion and empathy,  especially during this time of historical change.



This world contains a tragic amount of unnecessary suffering.  
Let's to do what we can to make it a better place.

WE REQUEST YOUR VOICE.  Can you spare sixty-seconds?

KIDS INC. is on a quest to educate the population on the U.S. Constitution, and encourage readership by packaging and distributing it in unique ways. 

Project Constitution

KIDS INC. is gamifying, publishing and distributing the United States Constitution in digital formats designed for adults, entitled "We The People".  Digital issues are available as a free online magazine, downloadable ebook, and free downloadable apps for Android and iPhone. 

Help spread the word!

As a volunteer supporter, we seek influencers who will agree to:

  • align with Kids Inc. to help educate America on the U.S. Constitution 

  • create a video reciting (or singing) the Preamble (music below) 

  • allow us to edit and upload the video

  • allow us to place your photo, bio and links on our website,  use in press releases, book press interviews where you'll talk about the importance of reading the Constitution 

  • follow us on social media and when your video is posted, comment, like and share it

  • We also invite participants to consider reading one, two, three, - or all of the Amendments!  It will take more time, and accordingly, you'll be uploaded and circulated more. 

  • We're also seeking virtual trivia hosts to conduct live trivia sessions. Let us know below if interested.

  • Musician and band, feel free to provide your unique rendition.

If there's anything else you can think of that's not listed, please do let us know.  Every opinion and contribution adds value.  Your voice, ideas, skills and creativity are openly welcome.

Through extensive circulation in different formats, together we will make the U.S. Constitution easy to access, and with your help, cool to learn. 

Educating society on their Constitutional rights will bring awareness. When the people are aware, it forces those who would violate another's rights to change behavior, giving rise to a new mind-set.

To get started, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you with instructions on getting started.

For any questions, email:  admin@kidsinc.cc

Thanks for your participation.

Team Kids Inc.




1.      Consider volunteering a charitable contribution to a worthy cause.  Freedom!

2.     It's an actionable way to support Black Lives Matter, as the Founder and

        President of KIDS INC. is an African-American man doing his part to help,

        by reallocating company resources toward educating America to end racism.

3      It's a powerful and unique way to use your skills, talents and influence to better                  society, and make a difference.

4      It's a way to have your voice heard by different audiences, medias and the press.

5      It's a way to feel really good inside.

6.     It a way to support social justice.

7.     It's good PR.   

8      It's easy. 

9.      It's free.

10.    It's fun!

Can't participate?  Then donate!

*Financial contributions are tax-deductible.

Thomas Jefferson, 
Notes on the State 
of Virginia, 1781.

"The preservation of freedom requires it. Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render even them safe, their minds must be improved". 

ACQUIESCENCE  - Legal Definition

Tacit or passive conduct that implies agreement or consent. In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of his or her rights.   The ever growing problem is fewer people even know what their rights are.


A 2017 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center,

Americans are poorly informed about the Constitution


More than one in three people (37%) could not name a single right protected by the First Amendment.


Only one in four (26%) can name all three branches of the government. (In 2011, 38% could name all three branches.)


One in three (33%) can't name any branch of government. None. 
Not even one.


More than half of Americans (53%) incorrectly think it is accurate to say that immigrants who are here illegally do not have any rights under the U.S. Constitution.

"Americans know literally nothing about the Constitution" - CNN

"More Americans need to actually read the Constitution" - Washington Examiner


A country built on ideals is only as strong as the next generation that accepts those ideals. 

Thus, all citizens have an obligation to teach the Constitution. The danger of failing to educate is real. 

If citizens do not understand why we have three branches of government, or what the judiciary does, or why individual religious freedoms are important, we risk undermining the ability to defend the Constitutional system. 

The Atlantic

Thomas Jefferson — who wrote the Declaration of Independence — and James Madison — the scrivener at the Constitutional Convention and the author of the Bill of Rights — were clear in their articulations that the premise of America at its birth is that our rights are personal and natural because they come from our humanity, not from the government.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” 

- John Stuart Mill, 1867


Let us know you're in!

We'll forward instructions.

We The People Volunteers





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